About Our Company

Our mission is to empower, simplify, and innovate. By harnessing and leveraging the power of artificial intelligence and iQtis ALTâ„¢, iQtis envisions a world where global demands for simplicity and integration are met with products that innovate and set industry standard for quality and technology. Our focus is to empower consumers and businesses with complete integrative lifestyle solutions for a more secure future.

Our Clients

Home Applicance Manufactures
Leading home appliance manufactures rely on iQtis intelligent technology to maintain and develop better technology, by allowing device communication of end-user lifestyle product integration.

Automotive Industry
All manufacturers in this sector use iQtis microchips, either directly or indirectly for advanced vehicular communication for a variety of end-user, manufacturer, component R&D and emergency application.

Wireless technologies
iQtis is a pioneering designer for improved wireless technology, found in many mobile devices for advanced communication. Our microchips feature faster signals and wider bandwidth to achieve impregnable, reliable service that is often the choice for private sector secure comms.

Recent projects

Automotive intelligence
Ongoing case study for auto industry, highlights iQtis vehicular communication success and soon to be released next-gen video technology.

latest news

Aug 05, 2010
iQtis designs intelligent light switch microchip for 2-way internet communication, allowing total home automation via remote computer or mobile device.

Feb 20, 2009
iQtis advanced communication technology now in leading televisions, Blu-ray players and kitchen appliances.